77 products
AQUI Water Sports is closing it's doors as the team is moving on. It's been an amazing long dive since 2015, and we thank every student, patron, and coffee aficionado that has been a part of making AQUI the highest quality training center in the USA. Our instructors are still actively teaching independently if you are still looking for training; reach out to them directly.
Make sure to take advantage of our final sale online, or call to make appointment, for remaining inventory at heavily discounted prices on new and rental equipment.
77 products
For over 40 years JBL has been focused on one thing…providing unmatched spearfishing equipment for predators of the deep. Travel anywhere there’s water and you’re sure to find our spearguns in the hands of hardcore shooters. It’s a combination of our timeless designs and premium materials that combined with JBL’s legendary accuracy and bullet-proof durability that has helped hunters like you stone game fish shot after shot.
Using the right equipment is only part of the mix. Equally as important is having a place to spearfish and someone to hunt with, which seems to be getting more and more difficult. Many environmental and special interest groups fail to see the selective nature and fair chase in spearfishing. Federal and state game management organizations are being pressured continually by these groups to shorten seasons, close areas, and restrict species.
We all need to take a proactive role in not only educating the public as to the merits of spearfishing but also in defending our rights as game fishers whether it be with a speargun, sling, or rod and reel. Get involved with your local diving club and attend fish & game meetings or write them letters, our voice must be united and heard. If possible take non-hunter diving, once they try it they’ll be shooters for life. It’s an amazing sport, nothing compares to the underwater hunting experience of being a predator of the deep.